Charity CD Helps Raise Money For Music Fund For Cuba
MFFC news
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by Natasha Hickman
on: Saturday, 9 October 2004
The ‘Polysonics’ are a barbershop group set up in 2002 as a group to sing in the inter-house music competition at Lancing College, West Sussex. It is student-run and is currently made up of 10 boys from the school, aged 14-18, all from the same house (Teme House).
The group made a CD just before Christmas in 2003 in order to raise money for various charities including Music Fund for Cuba and have made over £1200 profit so far from it. Some money is being kept in reserve with the intention of making another CD for charity. The rest, 70%, is being divided up between five charities as chosen by the members of the group.
One member chose Music Fund for Cuba and other chosen charities included NSPCC, Cancer Research UK, MacMillan Nurses and, receiving most of the money, a fund run by the school which pays for the air freight costs to send redundant/old medical equipment out to Malawi in Africa where it is desperately needed. The group has participated in many other events, including singing in Prep schools in the area and, last summer, singing in a joint concert with The Din & Tonics of Harvard University, USA, a world-renowned group which came to Lancing on request as part of their world tour.
Upcoming events include ‘Hey Presto’, an Evening of Music & Magic, a show with three other groups, which takes place on the 13th November at Blatchington Mill School in Hove.
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