Get Involved
There are many ways to support the Music Fund for Cuba. You can donate directly, fundraise yourself, volunteer, promote the chairty, make a gift in celebration or memory of an event or person, or sponsor someone else to raise funds - the choice is yours.
Why not organise your own fundraising event, get friends and family to sponsor you, or join our annual Cylcle Cuba Challenge? If you are involved in Cuban arts, run or attend salsa classes, why not ask your group to support the Music Fund for Cuba. For easy ways to get online sponsorship, fundraising ideas and more click here.
Are you getting married or celebrating a special occasion? Or do ou want to make a last tribute to someone special, or remember the Music Fund for Cuba in your will? Find out more about alternative giving gifts by clicking here.
Do you have a few hours a week when you could come in to the office and help with basic office administration. Could you help update our supporters database, research fundraising opportunities, or do you have you any other skills you think may help us? If so, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact Natasha on 0207 490 5715 or email We can pay travel and lunch expenses and are grateful for any help we receive.
Can you display our leaflets in music shops or your work place or community centre. Do you belong to any groups or organisations that may be interested in our work? We can send you leaflets and information about the Music Fund, or if you would like someone to come to speak to your group about the work of the Music Fund for Cuba email Natasha Hickman at or call 0207 490 5715 to discuss your ideas.
Everyone can get involved in supporting the work of the charity. From organising local fund raising initiatives to helping distribute the new charity leaflet at Cuban cultural events in the UK. The new leaflet is an excellent introduction to the work of the charity and there are thousands of copies available. Wherever there is a Cuban film being shown or a Cuban music performance taking place we need to ensure that information about the Music Fund for Cuba is distributed. If you are able to help with this important work, make a financial contribution, or want to find out more, please contact the Music Fund for Cuba at or call 0207 490 5715 to discuss your ideas.